Episode 11

Published on:

19th Dec 2024

What Your Anxiety Search Reveals About You

Dr. Chad delves into what our anxiety-related searches reveal about us. The discussion covers the multifaceted nature of anxiety, influenced by modern life's stresses like digital disruptions and geopolitical instability.

We highlight the increasing prevalence of anxiety despite our efforts to be resilient. Their are a range of reasons people search for anxiety information—whether it's seeking a diagnosis, solutions, or reassurance. We present findings from a recent study showing that mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is as effective as the medication escitalopram.

The importance of combining various approaches like therapy, coaching, and even AI chatbots to manage anxiety effectively.

00:13 Understanding Anxiety Searches

00:41 The Rise of Anxiety in Modern Life

02:58 Seeking Solutions for Anxiety

03:47 Mindfulness vs. Medication

06:07 Therapy, Coaching, and AI

09:56 Exploring the Roots of Anxiety

13:20 Practical Tips for Managing Anxiety

15:58 Emma: Your Anxiety Companion

16:48 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

00:13UnderstandingAnxietySearches00:41TheRiseofAnxietyinModernLife02:58SeekingSolutionsforAnxiety03:47Mindfulnessvs.Medication06:07Therapy,Coaching,andAI09:56ExploringtheRootsofAnxiety13:20PracticalTipsforManagingAnxiety15:58Emma:YourAnxietyCompanion16:48ConclusionandFinalThoughts" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Link to the cited study on MBSR.

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About the Podcast

Emma Will See You Now
A new way of doing mental health
We empower listeners by providing tools and insights to achieve emotional and mental well-being. Mental health is a process of ongoing growth and creation, and hosts and co-founders Dr. Chad and Dr. Shelley offer practical strategies for developing lasting resilience. We redefine thriving and create a space for courageous conversations about mental health.

We are on a mission to make emotional and mental wellbeing available to everyone.
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Your wellbeing isn't so scary. Let's start a new and courageous conversation.

About your host

Profile picture for Chad Prevost

Chad Prevost

Dr. Chad has advanced degrees in creative writing, literature, and theology. Being married to a psychotherapist has been another education. A workshop leader and entrepreneur, he has started and participated in writing and literary arts communities in New York, Austin, Atlanta and Chattanooga. He also has experience writing as a journalist for startups in tech and logistics. He is the author of several books of poetry, as well as interactive-fiction for youth. Over the years, he has innovated writing processes to foster reflection and insight, narrative strength, and authentic voice.