Episode 108

Published on:

27th Oct 2022

Expect Resistance: 5 Ways to Sustain the Change You Want to Be

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor."  –Thoreau

Some of us are dabblers, some of us are obsessives, and some of us are hackers.

Which one are you?

They’re basically just different approaches many people take to learning. The dabbler loves when things are new. Just loves the shiny new object and everything about starting something. The obsessive is focused on getting results as fast as possible. The hacker gets good enough at something and is fine where she or he is.

Don’t really like any of the options? Is there a better way?

We probably all can recognize ourselves in a combination of these learning styles. And yes there is a problem with them all: we never get on the road to mastery with them. They aren’t the stuff of lifelong learning. 

Let's get on the path of a master. 

Certainly when we are patient and stick with our learning day in and day out, we are definitely more on the path. But with all of that said, many of us begin to experience change and then we hit the plateau. That long period of time where we’re sticking with it, pushing hard, staying strong…and nothing happens.

Or we begin to experience change and then we run into resistance.

AND we might begin to think this shiny new object or all this efforting isn’t worth it and we criticize ourselves for even trying. We even begin to use language which reveals our negative thinking and the stories we tell ourselves, and we think we’re “just being real” and give up.

How part of what’s going on when we regress or retract is about the body's response to stress. Change? Homeostasis is first to be understood. Then, you can be prepared to meet it and learn the long path toward deep mastery.

Time Stamps:

3:18--Changing anything can be difficult

5:14--The link between change and stress is novelty

9:13--Homeostasis defined

15:38--Top five ideas for how you can achieve sustainable change

16:43--Number one may be the most important, understanding how it works

19:39--As you adapt the resistance gets easier to deal with

26:05--When you're negotiating with your resistance

27:55--You can do it alone, but a support system is recommended

30:22--Follow a regular practice

32:52--Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning

34:49--Shelley's "Why"

Show Notes:

Steven Pressfield on anything having to do with Resistance

Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment by George Leonard

Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play Element in Culture  by Johan Huizinga

After the Ecstasy, the Laundry by Jack Kornfield

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Emma Will See You Now
A new way of doing mental health
We empower listeners by providing tools and insights to achieve emotional and mental well-being. Mental health is a process of ongoing growth and creation, and hosts and co-founders Dr. Chad and Dr. Shelley offer practical strategies for developing lasting resilience. We redefine thriving and create a space for courageous conversations about mental health.

We are on a mission to make emotional and mental wellbeing available to everyone.
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About your host

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Chad Prevost

Dr. Chad has advanced degrees in creative writing, literature, and theology. Being married to a psychotherapist has been another education. A workshop leader and entrepreneur, he has started and participated in writing and literary arts communities in New York, Austin, Atlanta and Chattanooga. He also has experience writing as a journalist for startups in tech and logistics. He is the author of several books of poetry, as well as interactive-fiction for youth. Over the years, he has innovated writing processes to foster reflection and insight, narrative strength, and authentic voice.