Bounce Forward: 3 Profound Tools for Developing Lifelong Resilience
Traumatic events happen to the best of us. Some are more ordinary than others, like car accidents or losing a job, and others are bigger. Whether big T or little t, traumas are crisis’ that happen to all of us, it’s not some rare thing.
Resilience is about using the crisis or the suffering to grow and launch yourself into a whole new beginning. Beyond just recovering from setbacks, resilience helps us navigate all life challenges, and end up the better for them. Resilience is a mindset that enables us to seek out new experiences and view life as a work in progress.
Here’s a simple framework to think about the work that goes into building resilience: Pain + reflection = progress. Pain is going to happen. But pain itself doesn’t equal progress.
And that’s really what we mean when we talk about bouncing forward. It helps us move from mere surviving to thriving. Today we get to our how. How do you develop resilience and use these essential skills?
Time Stamps:
3:15: The challenges we face in life are not meant to be some sort of punishment. But an invitation to change.
6:57: 83% of people think they're resilient (but only just over half really are)
13:06: Researchers have shown that resilience is basically optimism, self mastery, control, flexible thinking, and the ability to cope with stress when they're when they're doing their research.
15:11: The Grateful Living practice
24:32: The Lovingkindness Meditation practice
33:53: Quality Relationships
Show Notes:
Bouncing Forward: The Art and Science of Cultivating Resilience by Michaela Haas
The Power of Resilience by Brooks and Goldstein
The Good Life by Robert Waldinger
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